Since being pregnant myself I have learned a lot about the whole procedure and once thing I've learned is how many symptoms you can experience throughout the 9 month period.
Here are some "different" symptoms that I've experienced since being prego.
* Nose bleeds - because of the increase in blood (about 40% by the end of the end) the little blood vessels have a little harder time keeping up.
* Hand numbness - I've read that this is due to the increase in blood flow putting pressure on the median nerve which is responsible for providing sensation to most of the hand.
* Loss of grip - this occurs also because of the increase in blood. Have you ever heard of "pregnancy clumsiness"? Well, it really does happen! Caleb thinks its funny every time I break a glass just because I can't hold on to it.
* Tailbone soreness - This has been pretty bad lately. I can't sit in any one spot for a long time without cringing when getting up and people look at you pretty strangely. Some say this is known as sciatica, but I talked to my doctor about it and he told me that some women seem to stretch in different places, some in their hips, some feel it in there pubic bones, and yet others have sore tailbones. He said there's nothing I can do to make it go away but he did mention (jokingly) that I could carry a donut pillow around with me : )
* Pregnancy-induced brain fog- I've heard many women talk about his before but never quite understood... until now. I have definitely had and increase in "what was I doing again?" or "what did I do with that?" moments especially in the past few weeks. As far as the cause, I have noticed that if I strange symptom has no real cause, they just blame it one hormones. Practically everything that I've read states that hormones are the cause for most everything during pregnancy. I'm not so sure I buy that. However, this particular symptom is still being tested and there is no medically known cause.
Along with these symptoms I've also experience the usual increased urination, various ligament pains, nipple soreness (maybe TMI?), nausea/vomiting (still in week 23!), and exhaustion.
Hope this was a little enlightening!
Kayla : )
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
My Little Lowes Adventure
Something like these.
I have the fabric picked out and now just need to get the hardware together... Only problem is that you can't find hardware for this certain style of canopy as abundantly as the circle mosquito net canopies (which, in my opinion, look a little cheap and easily destructible once the child grows).
Anyway, I asked an associate to help me figure out how to build this and before I knew it there were 5 other associates brainstorming the issue. Finally they introduced me to an older employee who had numerous ideas and after about 40 minutes of following him around Lowes, we came up with a solution. Its cheap and easy to install!
So after gathering all the needed materials for the canopy and book ends, I headed to the check out counter where the old man told the cashier to put it all on his card! Yes, you read that correctly, he paid for my purchase! He told me he was a grandfather and remember what it was like for his daughter when she was expecting her first child and being here without family, he wanted to do something for me.
Now, I know you're probably thinking that this was a strange man and I should be careful, but he really didn't come across like that. I took it as a sweet grandfather just doing something good. Although my bill was only about $12 it really meant the world to me!
I know I usually don't write this much, but I thought I would share the kindness of a stranger to all of you. I'll be posting more about our move this weekend and my mod podge adventures soon!
Kayla : )
Monday, February 22, 2010
23 Weeks
So, here is the weekly survey. Caleb took this week's picture as I was facing the sun so I'm not smiling and my eyes are squinched (is that a word?) Is that a big belly or what?!?! By the time month 8 or 9 comes around, I'm going to have so many back aches!
How far along? 23 weeks and 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: Last Doctor's visit = 12 pounds
Maternity clothes? YES!
Stretch marks? None so far - Palmer's Cocoa Butter and I have a date every morning and night!
Sleep: okay... I have to take tylenol before bed sometimes to help with an achy back
Best moment this week: During the sermon on Sunday I felt Poco moving around a lot, so I grabbed Caleb's hand and he felt numerous kicks. The look on his face made my week!!!
Movement: SO much! I can definitely tell when its NOT nap time!
Total weight gain/loss: Last Doctor's visit = 12 pounds
Maternity clothes? YES!
Stretch marks? None so far - Palmer's Cocoa Butter and I have a date every morning and night!
Sleep: okay... I have to take tylenol before bed sometimes to help with an achy back
Best moment this week: During the sermon on Sunday I felt Poco moving around a lot, so I grabbed Caleb's hand and he felt numerous kicks. The look on his face made my week!!!
Movement: SO much! I can definitely tell when its NOT nap time!
Cravings: APPLES!!! I want anything with apples and gag at the thought of beef!
Gender: GIRL!!!! - Emmalyn!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to wear heels longer than a few minutes. I took pictures at a wedding this past weekend, and had to take my heels off because my feet were so swollen!
What I am looking forward to: Moving this week! I can finally get started putting the nursery together!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Take it easy! During packing, I pulled a muscle in my back. Caleb was great and used some of his prior physical therapy training to stretch me out and massage my back.
Milestones: Having my best friends plan a baby shower for Emmalyn!
Gender: GIRL!!!! - Emmalyn!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to wear heels longer than a few minutes. I took pictures at a wedding this past weekend, and had to take my heels off because my feet were so swollen!
What I am looking forward to: Moving this week! I can finally get started putting the nursery together!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Take it easy! During packing, I pulled a muscle in my back. Caleb was great and used some of his prior physical therapy training to stretch me out and massage my back.
Milestones: Having my best friends plan a baby shower for Emmalyn!
Kayla : )
Friday, February 19, 2010
A few Current Issues From the Wilkes
Today we have exactly 4 months until Emmalyn is due - 120 days!!!!
Caleb and I are moving next week into our new quaint little home and I could not be more excited!
I'm shooting a wedding tonight!!!
Your picture for today is my 80lb child, Bumper. He has found his new favorite and warm place to sleep at night. I'm seriously worried about him once Emmalyn arrives!
Kayla : )
Caleb and I are moving next week into our new quaint little home and I could not be more excited!
I'm shooting a wedding tonight!!!
Your picture for today is my 80lb child, Bumper. He has found his new favorite and warm place to sleep at night. I'm seriously worried about him once Emmalyn arrives!
Kayla : )
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Project Nursery
Lately I've gotten an itch to be create and what better way to use that itch than to start some projects for Emmalyn's room. I tried my hand at mod podge and I"m loving it!
This is the pack of scrapbook paper I purchased for the mod podge projects. Once I finish them all, I'll have pictures.
The one thing that's gotten me stumped as far as colors for the nursery are fabric choices. Along with the green cartwheel fabric that will be used for the crib bumpers, I purchased these two fabrics for the ties, cording, and bed skirt. However, now I have to choose a fabric to use in order to reupholster the chair that will go in the room. I was thinking light pink or green with the polka dot fabric used as cording. I'm so lost though. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Kayla : )
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Poco's Identity Revealed
Well folks, the suspense got the best of me and I couldn't help but sneak a peek at Poco's gender. After letting our families in on the news, we are now making it known to all!
We are being blessed with a sweet baby GIRL!
And her name is.....
Emmalyn means "peaceful home" and the -lyn on the end is in honor of her paternal grandmother Lynda.
Marie means "star of the sea" and is the same middle name of her mother and great aunt, Cindy!
We are so excited to meet our girl in just a few months!
Kayla : )
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Alyssa's World Premiere -2
Here are a few of the precious pictures from Alyssa's very newborn, newborn session. Be prepared for a few more posts on this little angel!
Kayla : )
Sunday, February 14, 2010
22 weeks!!!!
How far along? 22 weeks and 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: gained 12 pounds
Maternity clothes? YES!
Stretch marks? None so far - Palmer's Cocoa Butter and I have a date every morning and night!
Sleep: Very good! However, my husband is not. He made me wear some nose strips to bed, but they still didn't help any, so I randomly feel myself being punched in the middle of the night. Poor Caleb!
Best moment this week: Well, this didn't exactly happen this week, but I still can't stop smiling every time I see Poco's picture from our last doctor's visit. Now that I feel so much movement, I can only wonder what acrobatic positions are being conducted in my belly
Movement: A ton of movement! Poco will occasionally let dad in on the fun too!
Total weight gain/loss: gained 12 pounds
Maternity clothes? YES!
Stretch marks? None so far - Palmer's Cocoa Butter and I have a date every morning and night!
Sleep: Very good! However, my husband is not. He made me wear some nose strips to bed, but they still didn't help any, so I randomly feel myself being punched in the middle of the night. Poor Caleb!
Best moment this week: Well, this didn't exactly happen this week, but I still can't stop smiling every time I see Poco's picture from our last doctor's visit. Now that I feel so much movement, I can only wonder what acrobatic positions are being conducted in my belly
Movement: A ton of movement! Poco will occasionally let dad in on the fun too!
Cravings: Pretty much anything, but I do back and forth on whether I like ground beef or not, and of course the days that it makes me gag, Caleb HAS to have mexican dip (with ground beef)! I'm kind of sad that I haven't experience any crazy cravings like ice cream and pickles.
Gender: It's a secret... for now
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Doing things for myself. During the last doctor's visit they found that, as of now, I have placenta previa (my placenta is lying over my cervix). Dr. Pollard told me to just be careful, not over exert myself and hopefully the placenta will move out of Poco's way. However, since telling my husband this, he thinks that even bringing groceries in is too much for me to do...Gotta love him!
What I am looking forward to: Seeing the nursery come together. I finally picked out and purchased most of the fabric for the bedding, now I just have to pass the buck to Lynda so she can actually get started on it. We are moving in just a few weeks to a new home (YAY!) and I can finally start putting thins in place. I have a bunch of projects that I've started for Poco's room!
Weekly Wisdom: Trying to enjoy the time I have with my husband sans newborn. He doesn't get much time to just be without thinking about flying so every minute we get to just be Caleb and Kayla we savor it!
Milestones: I'm figuring out Poco's in utero schedule. I know at this point the fetus sleeps around 12-14 hours a day but when awake, Poco definitely lets us know!
Gender: It's a secret... for now
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Doing things for myself. During the last doctor's visit they found that, as of now, I have placenta previa (my placenta is lying over my cervix). Dr. Pollard told me to just be careful, not over exert myself and hopefully the placenta will move out of Poco's way. However, since telling my husband this, he thinks that even bringing groceries in is too much for me to do...Gotta love him!
What I am looking forward to: Seeing the nursery come together. I finally picked out and purchased most of the fabric for the bedding, now I just have to pass the buck to Lynda so she can actually get started on it. We are moving in just a few weeks to a new home (YAY!) and I can finally start putting thins in place. I have a bunch of projects that I've started for Poco's room!
Weekly Wisdom: Trying to enjoy the time I have with my husband sans newborn. He doesn't get much time to just be without thinking about flying so every minute we get to just be Caleb and Kayla we savor it!
Milestones: I'm figuring out Poco's in utero schedule. I know at this point the fetus sleeps around 12-14 hours a day but when awake, Poco definitely lets us know!
Kayla : )
Friday, February 12, 2010
I lied...
So, I said I would have pictures of Alyssa's newborn session up tonight, but I took the "snow day" seriously and have had a day of fun being "snowed in" with friends. Please forgive me! Taking the day off to be with Caleb was great and much needed!
Despite my lack of editing motivation, I did get a chance to take a photo op with Crissy at the park today and I'll leave you with one of the pics from our outing.
Kayla : )
Despite my lack of editing motivation, I did get a chance to take a photo op with Crissy at the park today and I'll leave you with one of the pics from our outing.
Kayla : )
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Alyssa's World Premiere!
I was asked by a fellow nursery nurse to be on call to take pictures of her first daughter's birth. Well, Miss Alyssa Laine decided to keep me, mom, the doctors, and all of the Enterprise Medical Center's women's wing on their toes when she tried to come at 23 weeks. It's no wonder she wanted to come early with how little her momma is - she was probably running out of room in there!
Kayla : )
Anyway, with a lot of resting, some steroids and lots of people throwing prayers up, she managed to stay in until 35 weeks and days and she is in perfect condition! She also managed to come during the day time which made my job very easy!
So, without further ado, here are a few pictures of Alyssa's debut.
She was trying to open her eyes for me, but those mean nursery nurses kept the bright lights on!
I LOVE feet! Especially when they are this tiny and perfect!
Amy and her third child, first daughter. The first nursing bong between mother and child... God's love is all over this picture.
Alyssa Laine Forehand
5lbs 7oz
Check back tomorrow for pictures from Alyssa's mini newborn session from the hospital nursery!!!
Kayla : )
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Like Mother Like Daughter - or maybe not
My mom found some pictures of her when she was pregnant with yours truly! This was such a treat to get to see the bump that I am in just 25 years ago! My mom is glowing and looks a ton better prego than I do - thanks for the awesome genes dad!
Kayla : )
Look at that 80's hair!
Kayla : )
Monday, February 8, 2010
Baby Obsessed!
The more and more that I feel Poco moving around inside me, I get more and more excited! I've been looking into nurseries a lot lately and here are some cute ideas I've gotten and would like to do for the nursery at some point.
Kayla : )
These stuffed elephants are SO cute, but at 50 bucks a pop, not very practical.
This is the fabric I've chosen for the bedding. Its called Spring Green Cartwheel. Caleb's mom offered to make the bedding. It will be such a special gift from grandma to Poco. I'm really excited to get it in the mail. I ordered 8 yards so I'll be sure to have enough for all the bedding and hopefully an extra pillow. Now I just have to find other fabrics to compliment this one.


...And with the complimentary fabrics, I would like to make a hamper like this one. Ok, so I'll get Caleb to make the frame and I can make the bag.


I'm also loving the canopies above the cribs. I feel like it adds a bit of elegance to the room but still looks very cozy because it is fabric. Not only should Poco like the room, but I think mom and dad should feel comfortable in there as well : )


And in between the canopy I'm thinking of making a monogram board. Something I'll be able to take with us when we move. I really love this one that I found from etsy...granted it will be personalized for Poco.


So, it looks like I've got my work cut out for me, so if you know someone who sews let me know. My poor mother in law can't be expected to do it all :) even though I know she would.
Kayla : )
Friday, February 5, 2010
Poco - 20 week appointment
Yesterday was our 20 week appointment with Dr. Pollard. At 20 weeks they do a sonogram to measure things like the head, abdomen, and heart. Everything measured well. It took the sonographer a while to get all of the measurements she needed because Poco was wiggling like crazy. It looked just like he/she was running from the wand.
Currently, Poco is lying transverse with head on my left side and feet to the right. I've been feeling a lot of movement right below my belly button which I'm guessing are Poco's knees and hands. Poco weighs 11 ounces, and mom has gained 12 pounds - doesn't seem fair!
Here is the profile picture that the sonographer took of Poco. I love that we have this picture now, forever! No wonder I feel Poco moving so much!!!
(It kind of looks like Poco is doing the dance to "Pants on the Ground")
This is an obvious picture of Poco's left foot. I guess when most kids are waving their hands at the wand, Poco decided to give us a foot.
I'm so in love!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Love It or Shove It
Haven't done one of these is a while!
* My dogs. I got a text from Caleb about an hour after I had left for work one night saying that Bumper was still lying at the door staring at it and had been since I left. He really does love me!!!
*Make up - Since I work nights and don't really wear it if I don't have anything important to do, so it makes me feel good when I do put it on. It isn't a chore like it felt when I was in school or worked in an office. I finally bought some new make up to help with my ever changing skin, and I love playing around with it.
* House hunting. Caleb and I are planning on moving at the beginning of April to a smaller, less expensive, and more "home" feeling house. Since he is busy with school and studying about 15 hours a day, I'm in charge of finding places worth looking into and it is a bit stressful. This is the house that our first child will be brought home to and I want things to be settled with the house before Poco arrives.
* My coccyx. I think I bruised it. It hurts.
Tomorrow is our 20 week appointment with Dr. Pollard and I'm so excited to see Poco!
Kayla : )
Monday, February 1, 2010
20 down - 20 to go!

Ok...don't freak out! Some fellow flight schoolers of ours had an 80's themed party and I decided to go all out! The whole outfit is from the clearance racks at Rue 21, I even got Caleb an 80's outfit from there too, although he was not as excited about getting out as I was : ) And it is very obvious that Poco has a lot of people in Alabama that are excited for his/her debut!
And here is the weekly survey!
How far along? 20 weeks and 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: next appointment is Thursday - I had a dream the other day that I gained 20lbs since my last visit...Let's hope that's not the case!
Maternity clothes? YES!
Stretch marks? None so far (fingers crossed)
Sleep: Apparently I sleep well, but my recent snoring keeps Caleb awake!!!
Best moment this week: Every time I feel the baby move!
Movement: A ton of movement! Both Caleb and I are known by are families as wiggle worms and I don't think Poco will be any different.
Total weight gain/loss: next appointment is Thursday - I had a dream the other day that I gained 20lbs since my last visit...Let's hope that's not the case!
Maternity clothes? YES!
Stretch marks? None so far (fingers crossed)
Sleep: Apparently I sleep well, but my recent snoring keeps Caleb awake!!!
Best moment this week: Every time I feel the baby move!
Movement: A ton of movement! Both Caleb and I are known by are families as wiggle worms and I don't think Poco will be any different.
Cravings: MEXICAN! But, pretty much anything!
Gender: ????????
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to bend over normally - I gets harder when there is a bowl of fat in your center.
What I am looking forward to: Getting pictures of the baby on Thursday!
Weekly Wisdom: I've realized that I have to eat lots of small meals. If I eat a large one I end up with indigestion.
Milestones: making it halfway!
Gender: ????????
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to bend over normally - I gets harder when there is a bowl of fat in your center.
What I am looking forward to: Getting pictures of the baby on Thursday!
Weekly Wisdom: I've realized that I have to eat lots of small meals. If I eat a large one I end up with indigestion.
Milestones: making it halfway!
Here is a picture of the rocker we got for the nursery. I slipcover is still wrinkled, but we wanted to see how it looked anyway. Caleb put it all together (ok...I helped with the ottoman) and did a great job. Then I got to try it out and it is prefect! There is plenty of room in it for me and the baby and I can still touch the floor with my feet when I'm sitting all the way back in it.
Kayla : )
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