Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No words can describe...

...what I'm feeling.

As I sit and stare at this blank canvas on which I'm supposed to type my thoughts, and even though there is so much on my mind, I still don't know how to put what I'm feeling into words.  I can't sleep.  I'm dreading D-day which happens to be the first of a few to come in the next few months.

If you don't know what I'm talking about I'll try to fill you in.

I'm an army wife and I'm about to embark on my first deployment as one and I'm terrified.

My husband and I have been together for nine and half years and even though I have been without him before, never for as long as this deployment and never with a child.

I will say that I'm very glad that I am a believer of Christ because I know that I would not make it through without the strength of Him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation; My fortress. I will not be shaken. 
Psalm 62:6

Some memories...

Playing around in NC when we were 16

After a date one night when we were 17.

College football!

A spur-of-the-moment ski trip freshman year of college!  What a great day!

Caleb's 21 surprise birthday party that I threw him!

Charleston, SC!

Best day of my life!!!

About to embark on the military life. Photo by Sara Parker.

Proud army wife!

Love this soldier!  Photo by Sara Parker.

Swimming with the manatees!

Living in Alabama!

The night we told our families of our expected arrival in six months!

I'll miss him so much!


  1. Ellasyn and I will be happy to help you out ANYTIME you need us!! If you ever need anyone to watch Emmalyn or just want to hang out, I'm here!! (By the way, you look exactly the same as you did when you were 16! So beautiful!)

  2. Hey Kayla,
    Found you over at Thrify Decor Chic a while back when you won something and Sarah mentioned you had a new baby so I went over to your place. Anyhoo, congrats on doing such a great job at capturing your life...this will be priceless to you and your family in the years to come. I am a stay at home Mom and homeschool my 5 and 10 yr olds. I love it as well as photography. I think we live somewhat close by ...I live in Abbeville/Greenwood SC (small world, huh?) Anyhoo, hang in there with Caleb being gone. God is bigger than this and He WILL get you thru...just hang on to Him. Love and Blessings to you and your family...Necole

  3. every time i look at pictures of you two....i swear you are one of the best-looking couples ever. you are so photogenic and pretty...too bad you're always BEHIND the camera ;) praying for you!


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