Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday's Letters

Along with bringing back love it/shove it, I'd like to start the Friday's Letters that some other blogs are doing.  My BFF does it every Friday and from what I get from it, it is just a compilation of things that are on your mind, realizations, or events that have happened in the past week in a Dear Diary format.

Dear uterus, please stop contracting.  Not only does it hurt, but my baby needs to stay put for a while longer and I don't really want to be on bed rest.  Dear self-control, Where were you when I ate all those Oreos earlier?  Dear heat, I only like you when I'm at the pool.  Dear Laundry, why are you always staring at me?  Dear Memorial Day, since I have to work all weekend, I'm looking forward to you and all the yummy food I'll eat at the cookout we're having as well as getting to spend the day with my favorite soldier!

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