Monday, November 8, 2010


Our little family has been very busy lately!  My sessions with my trainer, Jo, are going well.  I'm feeling good and I'm doing a lot better with making good diet choices too.  She's so great and very encouraging which is what I need!

Sadly, we have a few friends who will be leaving Fort Rucker soon, so we've been spending a lot of time with them.  Our friend Brian graduates tomorrow.  The day before each aviator graduates from flight school they allow their family to go the the air fields to get an idea of what their soldiers have been doing and to give them a chance to see their specific aircraft in motion.  Brain is a chinook pilot.  The chinook pilots are referred to as "hookers" because the chinook usually bails the other aircrafts out of pickles and uses hooks to transfer them.  It is the biggest of the helicopters and carries a lot of cargo.  So today, Caleb, Emmalyn, and I met up with Brian and his family to participate and take pictures of family day.

The boys playing around.

Caleb pretending to be a chinook pilot.

 Afterwards, we went to Brian and Sarah's to celebrate his graduation.  What a great day!

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