Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ramblings about Simpleness

I've been slack on blogging lately because, like my go to excuse, I've been busy, but it isn't just from work and motherhood.  I've actually been thinking a lot lately on trying to get my life together.  No, I haven't gone loco, I just want to simplify and prioritize.  Honestly, my life hasn't been that exciting lately.  I hardly ever go out, I'm not pregnant, I don't have a different date story every week, my fashion sense is short of mediocre, I'm not a recipe guru or a hardcore calorie counter (okay, let's face it, I don't count calories at all even though from the looks of recent photos I probably should), and I am certainly not an eloquent writer. 

I started blogging when Caleb joined the army in order to keep up with him and our friends and family from afar.  In the past four years it has turned into a place for me to grow my photography, decompress, show how I've evolved as a mother and a wife, and a place to be candid about my hopes and dreams.  These things my not be the most excited for you readers, but it is exciting for me.  So, even if I can't find the time to write every week, its because I"m busy being a mom, wife, nurse, photographer, friend, or just relaxing on the couch with some wine, my husband and a good (or crappy) movie.

With all of this said, here are some photos of my sweet baby (which is most likely be the only one for a while), from the past week.  Enjoy in my life's simpleness. 

Playing with blocks.  Emmy loves to build things these day.

Then she decided that she should dress up like the princess in her bedtime story book.

And cook a little something up for daddy.

Also, this week I finally got one of Liz's signature toddler in the tub pics of Emmy (I didn't stand on the toilet though : )

Afterwards I had Emmy help me make cream cheese icing for the pumpkin cake I made, but she mostly just taste tested everything.

I think I passed this little one's test!


  1. Yay! Love that you got a "tub pic" lol They are my favorite ;)

  2. princess pjs and icing that sounds like a good night to me.


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