Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cousination 2014

Last week I spent four days with my two girls, six nieces, and one nephew.  It was a fun and exhausting four days.  I took some photos randomly throughout the chaos, some with my camera and some with my sister in law's camera, so I don't have all the photos I took during the stay, but I'd like to share some of the fun we had.  

Emmy LOVES being with her cousins.  That's even how she addresses them in large groups.  She doesn't say "Hey guys..." she says, "Hey cousins!"  It is cute and amusing.  

My second niece, Laurel brought a make up case with her and Emmy thought it was the coolest thing and this was the result...

This is Lidia.  She was born three months after Emmy and is so funny.  I love how silly she is and the sly smile she gives after she knows she's been silly.   I'm also extremely jealous of her long, dark, thick hair.

 Little Lidi was so in love with baby Elly.  I mean, just look at that smile!

Then there's Liya.  A very independent yet soft-hearted little lady.  A kid that can get along with anyone and not to mention is so beautiful!

Of course, you all know the baby of nine kids, Elana.  She loved all the attention and was pretty exhausted after the "cousination" too!

Abby was the youngest of the Wilkes grandkids until Elly was born.  She is so full of life.  Everything is so exciting to her and it makes her such a joy to be around!  I love to hear her elated voice say "Hey Aunt Kaawa" when she sees me.

 You can see the enthusiasm for life in her face during an Easter egg hunt we had for the kids.

Liya and Laurel.  Laurel is into gymnastics, and is quite good.  Emmy really looks up to her and tries to mimic the gymnastic moves that Laurel does.

And then there's Anna.  My curly haired tomboy.  She is our "free spirit" and such a sharer.  She loves Emmy and Emmy LOVES her.  

While the kids were in town, Caleb was able to do a fly over so the kids could see him in action doing what he loves.  They all yelled as he flew by, even though he couldn't hear, he was able to see them running around like crazy!


I love being a mom, but I was an aunt first and the moms of these seven children are my parenting role models.  I love spending time with them and seeing my kids becoming best friends with these amazing children. 

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